New Updates Around Camp!

Every year, Greenwood Trails strives to make the camp facility a little more beautiful.  This year, we’re excited to announce an upper field makeover!  That’s right, no more divots in the infield- we’re on the up and up!  We can’t wait for our kids to try out our new and improved baseball field!

Other big improvements include:

  • A and C building beautification- new walls AND new beds!
  • Delaware Building updates- new windows, a good looking roof, and a fresh coat of paint!

We also have other programming plans in the works but we’ll wait until more things have been solidified before we announce that.  Don’t you just love cliffhangers?




Good Things Jars!

Here’s a great idea for 2015- Buzzfeed calls them “Rememberlutions” and Elizabeth Gilbert (the author of Eat, Pray, Love) calls them “Happiness Jars”. Thinking positively on a regular basis keeps us healthy and happier.  Whatever you’d like to call them, this is a great project for you and your kids as you wait to send them back to school… and a great project to create during camp as well 🙂

Alice Mongkongllite / BuzzFeed


Turkey Friendship Bracelet

Even though you’re not at camp, you can still make awesome bracelets for all of your friends! With Thanksgiving looming, let’s do a holiday bracelet!  Who is up for a turkey dinner challenge?

Pattern from

BEFORE YOU BEGIN your friendship bracelet pattern, know how to make the Right Hand Double Knot. You will also need to know the Single Right Single Left Hand Knot and Single Left Single Right Hand Knot.

1. Pick 4 different colors. (The example uses black, brown, green & white). You will need 1 strand of black, 1 strand of white, 2 strands of brown and 3 strands of green.
2. Align string, fold in half, and tie knot ½ inch from fold forming a loop.
3. [Make sure you secure your bracelet to a stable surface]
4. This pattern uses 11 strings.The string hanging loose will be referred to as String #11. Separate strings by placing one string per slot. Note: Use the same color in slots 1 & 2 (black), slot 3 (white), slots 5,7 & 9 (brown) and slots 4,6,8,10 & 11 (green). You will have three extra threads, one each, white, green and brown that you will need to cut close to your knot. This will align the colors of your bracelet pattern.
5. To begin, take string #1 (black) and make a right hand double knot with string #2 (black). String #1 (black) will now be in slot 2.
6. Take string #4 (green) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #3 (white). String #4 (green) will remain in slot 4.
7. Take string #6 (green) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #5 (brown). String #6 (green) will remain in slot 6.
8. Take string #8 (green) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #7 (brown). String #8 (green) will remain in slot 8.
9. Take string #10 (green) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #9 (brown). String #10 (green) will remain in slot 10.
10. Take string #2 (black) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #3 (white). String #2 (black) will remain in slot 2.
11. Take string #4 (green) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #5 (brown). String #4 (green) will remain in slot 4.
12. Take string #6 (green) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #7 (brown). String #6 (green) will remain in slot 6.
13. Take string #8 (green) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #9 (brown). String #8 (green) will remain in slot 8.
14. Take string #10 (green) and make a right hand double knot with string #11 (green). String #10 (green) will now be in slot 11.
15. Take string #1 (black) and make a right hand double knot with string #2 (black). String #1 (black) will now be in slot 2.
16. Take string #4 (green) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #3 (white). String #4 (green) will remain in slot 4.
17. Use string #6 (green) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #5 (brown). String #6 (green) will remain in slot 6.
18. Take string #7 (brown) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #8 (green). String #7 (brown) will remain in slot 7.
19. Take string #10 (green) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #9 (brown). String #10 (green) will remain in slot 10.
20. Take string #2 (black) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #3 (white). String #2 (black) will remain in slot 2.
21. Take string #4 (green) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #5 (brown). String #4 (green) will remain in slot 4.
22. Take string #7 (brown) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #6 (green). String #7 (brown) will remain in slot 7.
23. Take string #8 (green) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #9 (brown). String #8 (green) will remain in slot 8.
24. Take string #10 (green) and make a right hand double knot with string #11(green). String #10 (green) will now be in slot 11.
25. Take string #1 (black) and make a right hand double knot with string #2 (black). String #1 (black) will now be in slot 2.
26. Take string #3 (white) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #4 (green). String #3 (white) will remain in slot 3.
27. Take string #5 (brown) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #6 (green). String #5 (brown) will remain in slot 5.
28. Take string #8 (green) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #7 (brown). String #8 (green) will remain in slot 8.
29. Take string #9 (brown) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #10 (green). String #9 (brown) will remain in slot 9.
30. Take string #3 (white) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #2 (black). String #3 (white) will remain in slot 3.
31. Take string #5 (brown) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #4 (green). String #5 (brown) will remain in slot 5.
32. Take string #7 (brown) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #6 (green). String #7 (brown) will remain in slot 7.
33. Take string #9 (brown) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #8 (green). String #9 (brown) will remain in slot 9.
34. Take string #10 (green) and make a right hand double knot with string #11 (green). String #10 (green) will now be in slot 11.
35. Take string #1 (black) and make a right hand double knot with string #2 (black). String #1 (black) will now be in slot 2.
36. Take string #3 (white) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #4 (green). String #3 (white) will remain in slot 3.
37. Take string #5 (brown) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #6 (green). String #5 (brown) will remain in slot 5.
38. Take string #7 (brown) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #8 (green). String #7 (brown) will remain in slot 7.
39. Take string #10 (green) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #9 (brown). String #10 (green) will remain in slot 10.
40. Take string #3 (white) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #2 (black). String #3 (white) will remain in slot 3.
41. Take string #5 (brown) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #4 (green). String #5 (brown) will remain in slot 5.
42. Take string #7 (brown) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #6 (green). String #7 (brown) will remain in slot 7.
43. Take string #9 (brown) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #8 (green). String #9 (brown) will remain in slot 9.
44. Take string #10 (green) and make a right hand double knot with string #11(green). String #10 (green) will now be in slot 11.
45. Take string #1 (black) and make a right hand double knot with string #2 (black). String #1 (black) will now be in slot 2.
46. Take string #3 (white) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #4 (green). String #3 (white) will remain in slot 3.
47. Take string #5 (brown) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #6 (green). String #5 (brown) will remain in slot 5.
48. Take string #7 (brown) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #8 (green). String #7 (brown) will remain in slot 7.
49. Take string #9 (brown) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #10 (green). String #9 (brown) will remain in slot 9.
50. Take string #3 (white) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #2 (black). String #3 (white) will remain in slot 3.
51. Take string #5 (brown) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #4 (green). String #5 (brown) will remain in slot 5.
52. Take string #7 (brown) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #6 (green). String #7 (brown) will remain in slot 7.
53. Take string #9 (brown) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #8 (green). String #9 (brown) will remain in slot 9.
54. Take string #10 (green) and make a right hand double knot with string #11(green). String #10 (green) will now be in slot 11.
55. Take string #1 (black) and make a right hand double knot with string #2 (black). String #1 (black) will now be in slot 2.
56. Take string #3 (white) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #4 (green). String #3 (white) will remain in slot 3.
57. Take string #5 (brown) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #6 (green). String #5 (brown) will remain in slot 5.
58. Take string #7 (brown) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #8 (green). String #7 (brown) will remain in slot 7.
59. Take string #9 (brown) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #10 (green). String #9 (brown) will remain in slot 9.
60. Take string #3 (white) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #2 (black). String #3 (white) will remain in slot 3.
61. Take string #5 (brown) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #4 (green). String #5 (brown) will remain in slot 5.
62. Take string #7 (brown) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #6 (green). String #7 (brown) will remain in slot 7.
63. Take string #9 (brown) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #8 (green). String #9 (brown) will remain in slot 9.
64. Take string #10 (green) and make a right hand double knot with string #11 (green). String #10 (green) will now be in slot 11.
65. Take string #1 (black) and make a right hand double knot with string #2 (black). String #1 (black) will now be in slot 2.
66. Take string #3 (white) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #4 (green). String #3 (white) will remain in slot 3.
67. Take string #5 (brown) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #6 (green). String #5 (brown) will remain in slot 5.
68. Take string #7 (brown) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #8 (green). String #7 (brown) will remain in slot 7.
69. Take string #9 (brown) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #10 (green). String #9 (brown) will remain in slot 9.
70. Take string #3 (white) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #2 (black). String #3 (white) will remain in slot 3.®
71. Take string #5 (brown) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #4 (green). String #5 (brown) will remain in slot 5.
72. Take string #7 (brown) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #6 (green). String #7 (brown) will remain in slot 7.
73. Take string #9 (brown) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #8 (green). String #9 (brown) will remain in slot 9.
74. Take string #10 (green) and make a right hand double knot with string #11 (green). String #10 (green) will now be in slot 11.
75. Take string #1 (black) and make a right hand double knot with string #2 (black). String #1 (black) will now be in slot 2.
76. Take string #3 (white) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #4 (green). String #3 (white) will remain in slot 3.
77. Take string #5 (brown) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #6 (green). String #5 (brown) will remain in slot 5.
78. Take string #7 (brown) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #8 (green). String #7 (brown) will remain in slot 7.
79. Take string #10 (green) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #9 (brown). String #10 (green) will remain in slot 10.
80. Take string #3 (white) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #2 (black). String #3 (white) will remain in slot 3.
81. Take string #5 (brown) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #4 (green). String #5 (brown) will remain in slot 5.
82. Take string #7 (brown) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #6 (green). String #7 (brown) will remain in slot 7.
83. Take string #8 (green) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #9 (brown). String #8 (green) will remain in slot 8.
84. Take string #10 (green) and make a right hand double knot with string #11 (green). String #10 (green) will now be in slot 11.
85. Take string #1 (black) and make a right hand double knot with string #2 (black). String #1 (black) will now be in slot 2.
86. Take string #3 (white) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #4 (green). String #3 (white) will remain in slot 3.
87. Use string #6 (green) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #5 (brown). String #6 (green) will remain in slot 6.
88. Take string #8 (green) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #7 (brown). String #8 (green) will remain in slot 8.
89. Take string #10 (green) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #9 (brown). String #10 (green) will remain in slot 10.
90. Take string #2 (black) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #3 (white). String #2 (black) will remain in slot 2.
91. Take string #4 (green) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #5 (brown). String #4 (green) will remain in slot 4.
92. Take string #6 (green) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #7 (brown). String # 6 (green) will remain in slot 6.
93. Take string #8 (green) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #9 (brown). String #8 (green) will remain in slot 8.
94. Take string #10 (green) and make a right hand double knot with string #11 (green). String #10 (green) will now be in slot 11.
95. Take string #1 (black) and make a right hand double knot with string #2 (black). String #1 (black) will now be in slot 2.
96. Take string #4 (black) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #3 (white). String #4 (green) will remain in slot 4.
97. Take string #6 (green) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #5 (brown). String #6 (green) will remain in slot 6.
98. Take string #8 (green) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #7 (brown). String #8 (green) will remain in slot 8.
99. Take string #10 (green) and make a single left single right hand knot with string #9 (brown). String #10 (green) will remain in slot 10.
100. Take string #2 (black) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #3 (white). String #2 (black) will remain in slot 2.
101. Take string #4 (green) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #5 (brown). String #4 (green) will remain in slot 4.
102. Take string #6 (green) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #7 (brown). String # 6 (green) will remain in slot 6.
103. Take string #8 (green) and make a single right single left hand knot with string #9 (brown). String #8 (green) will remain in slot 8.
104. Take string #10 (green) and make a right hand double knot with string #11 (green). String #10 (green) will now be in slot 11.
105. At this point you have completed one rotation of the pattern. Repeat steps
106. Once you bracelet is long enough to fit your wrist take four strings from the slots 1 – 4 in your left hand and four strings from slots 8 – 11 in your right hand and braid with the remaining three center strings.
107. Take the braided strings and tie two basic knots at the end of your friendship bracelet.


Hey everyone- Kate here!

November isn’t just about not shaving (although it’s a great cause). It’s also a month where we are encouraged to think of the things that we’re thankful for. I’m pretty thankful for life in general – it’s a great life. But, when I think about it, my life revolves around camp! I wake up and fall asleep thinking about camp– camp is in everything I do. I am so thankful for the opportunity to be a part of this every summer.

SO, what, exactly, am I thankful for? Let’s break it down:

1. Last year, I heard through the walkie-talkies that my child (at the age of 5) decided that he would try out the giant swing. I immediately grabbed my camera, jumped on a golf cart and sped to our ropes course. I arrived just as he was hoisted up into the trees by our counselors and as the ground became further away his eyes widened. I started crying: I was helpless! He released the catch and began falling and panicked. I, desperate and crying, jumped to try to catch him in a way only a parent understands. As the ropes caught him and he began swinging a smile spread across his face and he yelled “This is fun!!”. If I would have been there from the beginning, he never would have even tried the giant swing- he would have clung to my leg and refused. But, because he had the encouragement of loving counselors and he didn’t need to look to me for approval, he did it and he loved it. I think about how Greenwood Trails has influenced my child (and your children, of course).

2. My child tries new things at Greenwood Trails. This goes beyond activities like the giant swing (although trying activities are just as important). At camp, we have the ‘three color rule’ at mealtimes. This encourages kids to branch out at a meal and guarantees that their bodies get different nutrients on a regular basis. My child hates messy food and the menu that day called for sloppy joes. I walked up to my child’s counselor (in a moment of parent weakness) and said “He’s not going to eat that.” Not 10 minutes later, my child walked up to my table after wolfing down an entire sandwich, declaring that he now loves sloppy joes! Would he ever do that for me? No. He would hate it just because I suggested it.

3. My child is exposed to different cultures. During camp’s off season, we live in a fairly rural part of Ohio. Many of my child’s peers have never experienced anything but Ohio. At Greenwood Trails, our counselors and campers are very diverse. They come from all walks of life and all cultures: New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Virginia, England, China, Spain, France, South Africa, Australia, Poland, and Mexico, to name a few. Greenwood Trails intentionally teaches kids how to communicate and how to make friends with everyone. My little Ohio boy learned in a very short amount of time to take care of others, regardless of background. How did his counselors do this? Our counselors play with our campers all the time. Every moment of their training involves understanding group dynamics and team-building games. These games are played at the beginning of each session to get cabin-mates to depend on one another quickly. All cabins also spend every single night before bed connecting. The counselors conduct evening bunk chats to create meaningful and deep relationships between cabin-mates and counselors.

4. The kids are really themselves. It sounds so cliche, I know. What camp doesn’t say that, really? But, I can tell you firsthand that it’s not just something that we say. It really happens! We love watching campers’ hard exteriors created during the school year melt away under our loving counselors’ role modeling and guidance. Here’s a great example-our oldest girls, dancing (is this dancing?) in front of the rest of camp:

Check out our youtube page for numerous other examples of kids being themselves!

5. This past year, we had over an 85% return rate, which is practically unheard of in the camp industry! The staff are passionate about GWT and, more importantly, the kids who attend camp. I am thankful that I get to develop relationships with these young, responsible, and creative individuals. I also have the opportunity to hire and train new staff. I look for specific qualities when I interview them (among other things: do I trust this person with my own child?). I love them and I cry at the end of each summer when I say goodbye to them.

6. The camper families are so great! I really value the relationships that I’ve created with the families. I love getting hugs on opening or visiting days from these great GWT parents- we ask about each other’s past schoolyear and talk about our futures… it’s like one big extended family! I’m so thankful that they trust us with their most valuable possessions year after year.

7. The Langbart family is the coolest family ever. Now, this isn’t because I’m being encouraged AT ALL to say this. It’s really true! I have never seen a more passionate and caring family as the Langbarts. Owen and Daria are where it all starts, but it reaches out to his brothers (and their wives), his mother, and his father. I have never seen such a family so like-minded and focused on providing such amazing experiences for children. The more I work for them, the more I understand their passion and it’s inspiring.

I can’t wait for 2015. I can’t wait to see your kids again and I can’t wait to meet new campers and staff. I also can’t wait to see the ways in which our children will grow at Greenwood Trails. Every summer is a fun present, waiting to be opened and I am so thankful to be a part of it.

What are YOU thankful for?

A Mere 247 Days…

Our facility managers, Rich and Marie, have it really good- they’re the only ones who make GWT their home 365 days a year! The rest of us move away, reminisce, and count down the days until we’re together again. Turn that frown upside down- only 247 days to go! That’s it! Only a few (or 8 ) months to go! We can do it, right?


What is Camp?

Our campers and their parents understand the importance of summer camp because camp is awesome!  But do non-camper families know that? If you were to describe camp and communicate its importance to other non-camp-but-potential-camp-families, how would you do it?


Halloween is Coming!

Halloween is quickly approaching and it can be a scary time for kids who have food allergies!

As a camp that is very conscious of allergies (we’re nut free and cater to many other dietary restrictions as well), we feel that it’s important to share this information to all of our camper families. It’s the Teal Pumpkin Project! The Food Allergy Resource & Education Organization would like to encourage families to give out food-free treats for Halloween this year. For more information, follow the link below! Happy Halloween!

Top Ten Reasons To Sign Up For Greenwood Trails 2015

You don’t really need any reasons to come back to GWT other than the obvious: 1) it’s a whole ton of fun and 2) you have so many friends there. BUT, just in case, here are a few others to remember:

10. Yogi’s champion speeches
9. Goat Shirt Wednesday and Saturday Caturday
8. Olympics/Tribal Games/Color War
7. Miss Greenwood Trails
6. Delaware campouts
5. Scones
4. You need to remember how to spell O-H-I-O
3. Singing “Home” around the campfire
2. Butters’ bad jokes
1. Lil’ Riccy!!


Camp Moves Me!

The American Camp Association has organized a great fundraiser to help more kids across America gain the camp experience that so many of you have already enjoyed.

Kate, Greenwood Trails’ assistant director, is participating in the fundraiser Camp Moves Me by pledging to run at least 50 miles during the month of October in order to raise money for this awesome cause.

Please consider sponsoring Kate as she moves for the kids who aren’t able to attend camp without financial assistance. All donations large and small are totally appreciated.

Thank you!

Delaware Diaries: Backwards Day 2014

On Monday, July 21st it was “Backwards Day”. Backwards Day was a day where everything was reversed! On our normal days the schedule looks something like:
Wake up
Rooster Squads and Kapers
Major 1
Major 2
Delaware Time/ Cabin Activity
Delaware Minor/ Cabin Activity
Snack Shack
Minor 1
Minor 2
Evening Activity

On Backwards Day that schedule was totally reversed! After breakfast of we had the evening activity which was a pool party! Then we went right into our awesome minors and ended the night with majors. It was really funny because at dinner the kitchen staff played along and gave us our yummy dessert first! It was a great treat! It was overall very fun and a little confusing at times but very memorable!
By: Margaux Atkins (Cheyenne)