Our Program

The dynamic program at Greenwood Trails camp is thoughtfully designed to provide the optimal experience for every camper. To honor each camper’s individuality and build independence, there is a strong emphasis on choice. This is carefully balanced with rich opportunities for bonding with both their cabinmates and respective age groups. Campers have six 50-minute activity periods each day, and each camper is allowed to customize the majority of their schedule. Click HERE for our daily schedule.

Weekly Majors

From Soccer to Archery to Yoga to Video Production, discover a new passion or improve your skills through instruction.

In the mornings, campers have two activity periods called majors, which are organized in our four trails – aquatics, athletics, adventure and arts. Majors last one week and are designed to allow campers to sink their teeth into an activity they choose and learn from it in a meaningful way.

Daily Minors

From Pool Games to Ceramics to Paint Twister to Zip Lining, so many choices every day!

In the afternoons, campers have two activity periods called minors. These change daily, and campers choose two new ones each afternoon. This structure allows campers to try out lots of different activities throughout their time at camp. Minors range from the conventional, like swimming, soccer, and woodworking, to the downright wacky, like marshmallow catapult making, group hug scavenger hunt, and mud gaga. Our counselors, and sometimes campers, get very creative inventing minors and they are one of the highlights of the camp experience. They give campers and counselors the chance to express themselves AND have fun while doing it.

The other two daily activity periods are different for our Lenape Division (8-12 year olds) and Delaware Division (13-16 year olds).

Lenape Activities

For Lenape campers, one of these activity periods is always a swim period with their cabinmates enjoyed in our beautiful pool or private lake. The other activity period can occur in any other area of camp, and is programmed either by cabin or by age group.

Delaware Activities

For our Delaware campers, one activity period is spent in “Delaware Time,” which is a supervised free choice period. The other activity period is spent in “Delaware Community Projects” (DCP). During DCP, campers have the option to choose from activities geared towards older campers, such as community service, camp beautification and entrepreneurship. This helps build their leadership skills and lets them express themselves in a meaningful way.


by Camper Spotlight - Becky, CAMPER

I always get a lot of personal growth and it’s really cool to look back to see how far or different I’ve become. When I was little I was not very confident at all. I was generally a shy person and was not good at making friends. Now looking at where I am, I’m a (read more…)