As the clock resets and a new year begins, we often think about ways to improve ourselves. While adults focus on resolutions like eating healthier or exercising more, the new year is also a fantastic opportunity for kids to reflect on their growth and set meaningful goals. At Greenwood Trails, our summer sleepaway camp in (read more…)
Tag: Connecticut
Skill building at Greenwood Trails: How 21st century skills grow here each summer
Every year, new innovations change the way we live, work, and experience the world around us. As our children grow up in a world of constant growth and technological advances, it’s more important than ever that they learn skills that will help them adapt to change. In fact, many colleges and employers are now naming (read more…)
It’s Neutron, the Wonder Pup!
The Tuccis are very excited to begin raising, Neutron, the cutest little black lab you’ll ever meet! Neutron belongs to an elite line of service dogs, bred and trained by Guiding Eyes for the Blind. Kate, Hyatt and Tucci will raise him for about 14 months before he begins his official training to become a (read more…)
Meet the Staff Monday!
Greenwood Trails is so excited to have so many of our staff returning this summer! We’ll be devoting Monday to meeting our staff… Meet Sophie (if you don’t already know her)!
Cabin Chats at Home!
Two summers ago, we began asking our staff to intentionally ask their campers questions about their feelings at the end of each day. At first, it was met with resistance because to some- especially this young generation- it’s not as socially acceptable to talk about feelings face to face. However, these cabin chats have proven (read more…)
21st Century Skills and Our Campers
Let’s face it- kids are different than they were ten, twenty or thirty years ago! This generation is being raised in an age where screens are everywhere, standardized tests guide our education system, and free play is no longer a priority in the modern home. Organized sports and video games are a great solution to (read more…)
Where Do Our Campers and Staff Sleep?
It’s a question on so many parents minds and I can understand why! When our parents know that our campers will be comfortable in their living quarters, it eases a worry or two! All of our campers live in cabins with at least two counselors. Our younger cabins will have more counselors than our older (read more…)
Happy Spring (and 100 Days Until Camp!)
We are so excited for Greenwood Trails 2015- Owen and Kate are knee deep in planning and the counselors are beginning their training. What are YOU excited for?
A Mere 247 Days…
Our facility managers, Rich and Marie, have it really good- they’re the only ones who make GWT their home 365 days a year! The rest of us move away, reminisce, and count down the days until we’re together again. Turn that frown upside down- only 247 days to go! That’s it! Only a few (or (read more…)
Halloween is Coming!
Halloween is quickly approaching and it can be a scary time for kids who have food allergies! As a camp that is very conscious of allergies (we’re nut free and cater to many other dietary restrictions as well), we feel that it’s important to share this information to all of our camper families. It’s the (read more…)