Cabin Chats at Home!

Two summers ago, we began asking our staff to intentionally ask their campers questions about their feelings at the end of each day. At first, it was met with resistance because to some- especially this young generation- it’s not as socially acceptable to talk about feelings face to face. However, these cabin chats have proven (read more…)

21st Century Skills and Our Campers

Let’s face it- kids are different than they were ten, twenty or thirty years ago! This generation is being raised in an age where screens are everywhere, standardized tests guide our education system, and free play is no longer a priority in the modern home. Organized sports and video games are a great solution to (read more…)

Halloween is Coming!

Halloween is quickly approaching and it can be a scary time for kids who have food allergies! As a camp that is very conscious of allergies (we’re nut free and cater to many other dietary restrictions as well), we feel that it’s important to share this information to all of our camper families. It’s the (read more…)