Greenwood Trails is Hiring!

Greenwood Trails is hiring all kinds of awesome and capable people! Thinking about being part of our team? Check out this super great video from our favorite Aussie, Caitlin (dance & video instructor and lifeguard extraordinaire), for the top ten things our staff go home with after camp 🙂 Apply here!

The Social Supplement to Modern Society

Here is an awesome article written by ACA’s Peg Smith and Andy Pritikin! What an amazing world we live in, with more information and connections at our fingertips than we could ever imagine. This brave new world has come with a price, though, as we’ve gradually replaced human interaction with technological interaction. We have (read more…)

New Updates Around Camp!

Every year, Greenwood Trails strives to make the camp facility a little more beautiful.  This year, we’re excited to announce an upper field makeover!  That’s right, no more divots in the infield- we’re on the up and up!  We can’t wait for our kids to try out our new and improved baseball field! Other big improvements include: A (read more…)

Good Things Jars!

Here’s a great idea for 2015- Buzzfeed calls them “Rememberlutions” and Elizabeth Gilbert (the author of Eat, Pray, Love) calls them “Happiness Jars”. Thinking positively on a regular basis keeps us healthy and happier.  Whatever you’d like to call them, this is a great project for you and your kids as you wait to send (read more…)


Hey everyone- Kate here! November isn’t just about not shaving (although it’s a great cause). It’s also a month where we are encouraged to think of the things that we’re thankful for. I’m pretty thankful for life in general – it’s a great life. But, when I think about it, my life revolves around camp! (read more…)

What is Camp?

Our campers and their parents understand the importance of summer camp because camp is awesome!  But do non-camper families know that? If you were to describe camp and communicate its importance to other non-camp-but-potential-camp-families, how would you do it?