Lessons from Greenwood Trails

I saw this image on Instagram this week:


It made me so happy to realize that I don’t have to be normal… ever! It also reminded me that we all need to work hard in the real world to be the people that we were at camp. Here are some other lessons that we learn year after year at camp:

1. Communicate.


Don’t shut down because talking isn’t as cool as it is during camp. I don’t mean communicating through emojis – I mean good ol’ face to face conversation!


2. Respect everyone.


No matter how different they may seem to you, treat everyone well.  They deserve it, as do you!


3. Take risks.


Tolerance and love sometimes takes just as much courage as jumping off the leap of faith.


4. Go with it.


It’s not all going to go as planned. It might rain during opening campfire but we’ll still sing “Home” regardless! Figure out a plan and make the best of it.


5. Have some integrity.


Be honest with yourself, with your friends, with your family and with your teachers.  It’s not always easy but it is always right.


6. It’s okay to be a little messy.


Who cares what people think about the way you look? You’re having fun and they’re over there like “ew” and you’re like “I don’t care- I’m laughing and creating a memorable experience” and then they’re like “can I play?”.


7. Make a friendship bracelet for a friend… or a teacher… or for that one kid over there.


Kindness goes a long way and everyone appreciates the fact that you thought of them as you were making a bracelet. Also, you could totally rock that duct taped leg look at school!

8. Go outside!


Invite some friends over or go to a park or go for a hike. Show your appreciation for the outdoors with your friends and family. Remember creek stompin’ or extreme nature hikes? That can happen outside of camp, too!

9. Just break out in to song.


Everything’s better with music… and Alberto.



10.  Be weird.

Embrace it- you’re all different. You all love different things… Don’t pretend you don’t!  Own who you are!

Have a good school year, everyone!  See you at camp next summer!

With love,

Your Greenwood Trails Family