Over the years, we’ve had many requests to add an extra week of camp following C session. We’re thrilled to say that plans are underway for a “week 7” (or D session) at Greenwood Trails from August 7th-13th!
We’re working out the details of what exactly we’ll be offering that week and we’d love to get your input. We’re considering the following awesome options:
1) In partnership with CodingKidz, offering in-depth instruction in computer coding or robotics
2) Specialty sports camp week
3) Three day campout trip for Delaware-aged campers
4) Regular GWT programming that your kids know and love
5) Campers staying over from C Session would have the option of attending a fun day trip on Sunday
6) A & B Session campers would, of course, have the option of returning for D Session as well
Our specialty week options would include 2-3 hours of specialized instruction each day (depending on the specialty), with the rest of the program being the choice-based activities that campers are accustomed to. Campers not choosing a specialty would have the entire day similar to the regular GWT program.
Please complete this brief 3-question survey to help form the best week possible for our campers. Even if you don’t plan on sending your child to D session (week 7), we would like to know your thoughts.
Thank you in advance for your help!